Our Services

Pre-Divorce or Separation Mediation

To resolve preliminary matters related to property division and parenting time as participants prepare to file for divorce.

Divorce Mediation

To resolve legal custody, parenting time, child support, property distribution, and other related topics in divorce pending in court.

Post-Decree Mediation

To resolve disputes related to topics that arise after a divorce is finalized.

Paternity Mediation

To resolve legal custody, parenting time, child support, and other related matters for parents who never married.

Domestic Partnership and Same Gender Mediation

To resolve property distribution and other related matters for a relationship for which divorce is not possible.

Eldercare Mediation

To resolve matters that arise as loved ones age and caregivers and family members need to make decisions with and for their older family members.

Civil Mediation

To resolve disputes that arise between people who are contractually obligated to each other, obligated to each other merely due to being neighbors, and those who desire a professional way to reach resolution in lieu of court intervention.

Parenting Time Coordination

To resolve parenting time disputes between co-parents either by their mutual agreement similar to mediation or with binding recommendations.

Important Information: